You never know what you are missing until you try something new. 3CX is a VoIP phone system that takes your business phone call operation from zero to sixty in no time flat! Once you understand what a new phone system can do for you, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. Computer St. Louis will walk you through a demo, allowing you to test drive 3CX and its capabilities as you plan for installation.

VoIP offers the ability to make and receive calls over the internet, creating many money-saving opportunities while at the same time offering huge functionality over the old land-line system. Imagine if you were still on a dial-up connection and trying to run your business? Seems impossible now that you’ve experienced high-speed internet, right? Accelerating to a VoIP phone system offers that same operative boost that takes your business into the 21st century. Whether your phone system is on premises or in the cloud, 3CX can adapt to whatever the environment, with a dedication to scalability.

3CX offers mobile flexibility by allowing you to utilize your smart phone as if you were at your desk in the office, more commonly referred to as mobile twinning. You can answer your phone as if you were still in your office building, transfer calls back to someone who may be in the office, forward clients to voicemail, take a call in the office then place the call on hold and pick it up on your mobile device – so many options available your head will spin. You will be able to use your smart phone with a unique phone number without having to give out your or your employee’s personal cell phone numbers – this technology offers the ability to create individualized numbers for each person/workstation, conference room, help desk – you name it, 3CX can create any zone or group you can imagine.

The dashboard console allows users to view the availability of coworkers, easily change features for in/out/busy status, hunt group options for routing calls to a particular department, converting moves, adds and changes (MAC), CRM integration, conference calling, analytics and much more. The software interface also makes it very easy to configure for each user and/or user templates per unique device. The 3CX platform also has a video conferencing application to support your remote instance requirements, making the latest necessity of working from home much more adaptable than analog phone lines.

Computer St. Louis will facilitate your new telephony provider, project manage your VoIP phone installation from wiring to hardware, and configure each application to your specific request – turnkey solutions provided by local people you know and trust!